A downloadable Business Card Dungeon

I've been putting off making a business card for years now. I just can't seem to think of why I would need one in 2025. We are going to Terminal City Tabletop Convention this year (March 14 - 16 in Vancouver if you want to say hi) and I decided it was time to push past my inhibitions about business anachronisms. 

I wanted to make a card I could hand out with confidence, that would be a way to distribute, not just my contact info, but also adventure. In that spirit and with the learnings from the Wily Witch's Townhouse I present: Little Printshop of Horrors. A micro dungeon on a business card, it contains 6 rooms with fun ideas all themed around printing and printmaking. 

Alyssa Yeo helped me conceive of and refine the design and Austin Holm provided assistance writing and jaquaysing the map. It hasn't been play tested and likely would be deadly for lower level adventuring party but it should also be fun in terms of role play and exploration.


little-printshop-of-horrors.v1.0.pdf 164 kB


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Very cool idea.

Thanks man.


Bookmarks to Business Cards.  Next will be postage stamps.  lol  
I have a friend that makes leather covered journals and does the Con thing.  He's cool enough to put my bookmarks in each one he sells and to distro them at the Cons.   I figure people are more likely to keep a bookmark over a business card.

Yeah I had considered just adding more contact information to the bookmarks, but wanted to try making something smaller anyway and the business card printer doesn’t do bookmarks ;)


This ☝️