A downloadable Troika Creature

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Skill 4
Stamina 24
Initiative 1
Armour 0
Trample as Moderate Beast


The polverean roam in herds across grasslands and forests of the spheres they inhabit. They leave deserts in their wake. They spew out bursts of abrasive dust that grind the unprotected into a fine, nutrient-rich paste that the polverean then absorb through their ambulatory tendrils. They sense the environment through their coarse, prickly fur and the whiskers that grow from their singular central “horn.” They reproduce by pollination, with the male dust fertilizing the females during migration. The females then deposit their seeds behind them to bloom when the next rains come. A polverean sprout is mostly indistinguishable from a fern sprout or vine, with a carrot-like growth in the ground. When they reach a mature age, their tendrils pull their “horn” out of the ground, and they begin their migration. Maturation is achieved once every summer, and the seedlings are put down in the late fall. When they emerge from the ground, they are usually about the size of a large humanoid but can grow to be up to 3 times as large before they die in the winter.


The polverean blows a cloud of abrasive dust out of their “nostrils,” filling the nearby area. When anyone within melee range takes their turn, they must test their luck or fill their topmost inventory slot with abrasive dust. The dust settles when the end-of-round token is drawn.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 10 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Tagsbestiary, Troika, Tabletop role-playing game


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polverean.pdf 1.1 MB
polverean.txt 1.4 kB


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Great creature!! Love the plantlike nature, general ecological danger, and interaction with player inventory slots.


Thank you :D